Click the "Vote Green" button to make a donation and become a "Supporting Member" sustainer.
Because the Green Party refuses all corporate contributions, dues-paying participants in our Supporting Member sustainers will play a vital part in making sure our State and County Green organizations have the resources needed to build the party. Plus, Supporting Members count toward your county’s representation on the State Committee. This is your party, so sign up today!
Who Can Be a Supporting Member?
NY State voters who are registered Greens are eligible, after affirming GPNYS principles and setting a dues level using a budget-friendly sliding scale. Waivers for dues are available for economic hardship (contact Treasurer for info on waivers).
If you are age 13-17, or, older but otherwise legally ineligible to register to vote in NY State, you may become a Supporting Member even though you are not registered Green.This way, NY State residents can still count toward representation in Green Party decisions even though our electoral system has disenfranchised them.
Half of your dues go toward the operating budget of GPNYS. These funds will be used to pay necessary expenses like meeting venues, online and computer infrastructure, flyers and publications to assist Green outreach. The other half of your dues go back to your County Organization after each fiscal quarter. So when you pay dues in the Supporting Members Program, you’re supporting the Green movement at State and local levels!
How are Supporting Members counted toward representation in GPNYS? County Organizations must have at least five Supporting Members in order to affiliate with GPNYS. For representation on the State Committee, each affiliated County Organization shall be entitled to one voting member plus an additional voting member for every 200 Enrolled Members and one additional voting member for every ten Supporting Members. Additionally, a petition of 50 Supporting Members can put items on the agenda of State Committee meetings.
You will also receive a GPNYS membership card and subscription to a party publication.