2017 Candidates

If you or your candidate are missing from this list, or if you need to update candidate information,
contact adrienne(at)gpny.org!


Some of our 2017 candidates at the May 20th rank and file meeting in Troy NY. Pictured from L-R: Robin Barkenhagen, Frank Sha Francois, Carol "Sandy" Przybylak, Jeff Peress, Rich Cirino, Carmen V. Hulbert, Frank Cetera, and Dan Plaat.


Albany County

Bryan Jimenez

Office: Mayor
City: Albany

Bronx County

Carl Lundgren

Office: City Council - District 18

Erie County

Anthony Baney

Office: Erie County Legislator
City: Kenmore
FB: www.facebook.com/Baneyforcounty

Carol "Sandy" Przybylak

Office: Town council 
City: Cheektowaga
FB: www.facebook.com/CarolSandyPrzybylakforCTC

Terrence Robinson

Office: Mayor
City: Buffalo
FB: www.facebook.com/robinson4buffalo/

Kings County

Jabari Brisport

Office: City Council - District 35
Twitter: @jabari2017
FB: www.facebook.com/Jabari2017
Web: www.jabari2017.nyc

Carmen V. Hulbert

Office: City Council - District 38
Twitter: @carmenVhulbert
FB: www.facebook.com/CarmenforCityCouncil
Instagram: www.instagram.com/carmenvhulbert
Web: www.voteforcarmenvhulbert.com

Persephone Sarah Jane Smith

Office: City Council - District 37
Web: persephonesmithforcitycouncil.nationbuilder.com 
e-Mail: [email protected]

Monroe County

Anthony Giordono

Office: City Council
City: Rochester

Mark McDermott

Office: Board of Trustees
City: East Rochester

Ron Ring

Office: City Council
City: Rochester

Alex White

Office: Mayor
City: Rochester

Nassau County

Allison Blanchette

Office: City Council
City: Long Beach

Laurence S. ("Seth") Hirsh

Office: Nassau County Comptroller

Cassandra J. Lems

Office: Nassau County Executive
e-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/1385174475123447/

Aubrey Muhammad

Office: Mayor
City: Hempstead

Joseph ("Joey") R. Naham

Office: City Council
City: Long Beach
Web: www.JosephNaham.com

Jeffery Peress

Office: City Council
City: Glen Cove

New York City - Citywide

Akeem Browder

Office: Mayor
City: New York City
Web: www.akeembrowder2017.org

James Lane

Office: Public Advocate
City: New York City
Web: www.votejameslane.org
FB/Twitter: @VoteJamesLane
e-mail: [email protected]

Julia Willebrand

Office: Comptroller
City: New York City
Web: votewillebrand.wordpress.com
Twitter: @juliaactivist
Facebook: www.facebook.com/VoteJuliaNYC

New York County (Manhattan)

Manny Cavaco

Office: City Council - District 2

Florindo Troncelliti

Office: City Council - District 7

Daniel Vila

Office:Manhattan Borough President


Onondaga County

Frank Cetera

Office: Common Councilor At-Large
City: Syracuse
e-mail: [email protected]
Campaign Announcement: www.gpny.org/cetera_2017_run
Web: www.votecetera.org

Eric Graf

City: Syracuse, New York
Office: 2nd District Councilor
Web: GoGreenWithGraf.com
Campaign Announcement here!

Howie Hawkins

Office: Mayor
City: Syracuse
Web: www.howiehawkins.org

Serena "Rahzie" Seals

City: Syracuse, New York
Office: 4th District Councilor
Campaign Announcement here!

Queens County

Frank Sha François

Office: City Council - District 27
Facebook: Francois for Council 2017 @ElectFrancois
Twitter: @Francois4CC27

Rensselaer County

Neil Abdul-Wahab

City: Troy
Office: Member of the City Council, District 3

Wayne Foy

Office: County Executor

Richmond County (Staten Island)

Henry Bardel

Office: Staten Island Borough President
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ElectHank
Web: www.votebardel2017.info
Twitter: @Bardel4SIBP

Saratoga County

Joseph Levy

City: Saratoga Springs
Office: Supervisor


Schenectady County

Elmer Bertsch

City: Town of Niskayuna
Office: Supervisor

Alexander Brownstein

City: Town of Niskayuna
Office: Member of the Town Board

Walda Chesnut

City: Town of Niskayuna
Office: Member of the Town Board

Peter Looker

Office: County Legislature, Representative, District 3

Richard Moran

Office: County Legislature, Representative, District 3

Matthew Willemain

Office: County Legislature, Representative, District 3

Steuben County

Joe Duffy

Office: County legislature
City: Hornell

Suffolk County

Gary Glanz

Office: Board of Trustees
City: Southampton

Tompkins County

Josh Dolan

Office: City Council
City: Ithaca

Warren County

Robin Barkenhagen

Office: Councilman-at-large
City:Glens Falls
Web: votebarkenhagen.org/
Download Robin's Campaign Postcard Here!

Rich Cirino

Office: Mayor
City: Glens Falls
Web: 12801.org/

Ben Lapham

Office: 4th Ward Councilman
City: Glens Falls
Web: https://feeltheben.wordpress.com/

Election date: March 21, 2017

Christine Elms

Office: South Glens Falls Village Trustee
County: Saratoga County
Web: http://www.saratogagreens.org/christine.htm
FB: https://www.facebook.com/VoteGreenForChristine/