Join us on Saturday, June 11 for a groundbreaking state nominating convention! Enrolled Green Party members will vote for their preferred presidential candidate to receive the Green Party nomination at our national convention in Houston, TX (August 4-7). We'll also vote on a renewed 2016 state platform and choose delegates to appear at the national convention.
- Meet fellow Green candidates, activists and organizers from around New York
- Hear from candidates seeking the GPUS presidential nomination
- Participate in workshops to get the tools you need to run effective campaigns and build your local party
- Featured guest speakers from NY social movements
Green Party of NY members who cannot attend the convention will be able to vote for presidential preference by requesting an absentee mail-in ballot through the below form.
Participate in our platform discussion online, now!
(Photo by Anthony Quintano via Flickr)
- June 11, 2016 at 10:00am – 6pm
Oakwood Community Center
313 Tenth St
Troy, NY 12180
United States
Google map and directions - 107 people are going
Michael O'Neil
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