We are Green Party members living in (or near) Warren County NY. We meet the first Wednesday of every month, 7pm at Rock Hill Cafe in Glens Falls, NY. Pictured from L-R: Valerie Epstein and Robin Barkenhagen, co-treasurers, Amanda Abrams and Delbert Gregory, co-chairs, John Miller and Jill Enslow co-secretary, John Molloy, co-media director (w/Valerie Epstein).
2017 Candidates
Rich Cirino - Glens Falls Mayor, Robin Barkenhagen - Glens Falls Council-at-Large, Ben Lapham - Glens Falls 4th Ward Coucilman
2016 Candidates
From L-R; Robin Barkenhagen, NYS Assembly District 114, Matt Funiciello Congressional District 21, Robin Laverne Wilson U.S. Senate, Steve Ruzbacki, NYS Senate District 45.
From L-R; Steve Ruzbacki, NYS Senate District 45, Matt Funiciello Congressional District 21, Jill Stein, President, Robin Barkenhagen, NYS Assembly District 114.
2017 Green Gala
The Green Gala is the Warren County Green Party's spring fundraiser, we have live music, a silent art auction, light refreshments, and of course, lots of political speeches. Having it in the spring (this year's was on April 1st), gives us the opportunity to announce our candidates well in advance of the fall elections.
From L-R; Peter LaVenia, GPNY Co-Chair, Margot and Rich Cirino, Robin Barkenhagen speaking at the Gala.
From L-R; Matt Funiciello, 2016 Congressional Candidate, Dan Plaat, 2017 Albany Mayoral Candidate, Christine Elms, 2017 South Glens Falls Village Trustee Candidate.
From L-R; Hui Cox, Gisella Montanez-Case, Kim Skoll, and John Anthime Miller.
From L-R; Paradox Saints, Realin'.
2016 Green Gala
Happy party guests enjoy the food, music, art and politics at the 2016 Warren County Green Gala.
From L-R; Gloria Mattera and Peter LaVenia, GPNY Co-Chairs, Matt Funiciello, 2016 Congressional Candidate, Steve Ruzbacki, 2016 NYS Senate Candidate, Robin Barkenhagen, 2016 NYS Assembly Candidate.
Warren County Green Party Officers From L-R; Valerie Epstein, John Anthime Miller, Jill Enslow, Amanda Abrams, Delbert Gregory, and 2016 Candidates; Robin Barkenhagen, Matt Funiciello, and Steve Ruzbacki.
From L-R; Hasty Page, and the Blue Moon Band.
Jill Stein Visit
On June 9th 2016 we had the absolute pleasure of hosting Dr. Jill Stein for the day.
In the afternoon we held a rally in front of a G.E. Plant in Fort Edward.
For dinner, we filled Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe in Glens Falls, enjoying a vegan meal and some superb conversations.
We capped the night off with political speeches at The Gold Shade in Glens Falls.
Meetings, Events and Pot Lucks
We host our monthly meetings at Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe on the first Wednesday of every month. We also host speaking events and pot lucks at the cafe from time to time.
Some pictures from various monthly meetings.
We hosted Robin Laverne Wilson for a pot luck while she was running for the U.S. Senate. We recently hosted our first presentation on "fake news" by Joy Kaczmarek.
Warren County Greens in the community
We like to stay active in our community and are often seen at local rallies and protests. Here we are at the 2017 Climate Change March, Standing up against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and tabling at the 2016 Gay Pride March in Glens Falls. That is Matt Funiciello addressing their crowd.
We are members of the Glens Falls Collaborative and table at many of their events. Here are pics from 2016 Take-a-Bite, 2016 Warrensburg Garage Sale, the 2016 Food and Farm Festival, and volunteering at Fit Fest.
Being lovers of music, we also like to table at local concerts and festivals. Here we are at The Great Magua in Bolton Landing, The American Independent Music Festival in Lake George, and all three 2016 candidates waiting for Blue Oyster Cult to play at the American Music Festival in Lake George.
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