New York Worst in the Nation for Voter Choice
New York Worst In The Nation For Voter Choice, Says Green Party
10/14/24 - New York is the worst state in the nation for voter choice at a time when growing numbers of citizens are dissatisfied with the Democratic and Republican party’s candidates, according to Green Party officials.
Party leaders pointed out that New York is the only state in the nation to have just two presidential candidates on the ballot, and that in the last 40 years this has happened in only one other state, Oklahoma. Oklahoma has since eased its ballot access laws in 2012 to allow for multiple presidential candidates.
The Green Party said that this lack of choice hurts democracy in New York, contributes to voter suppression, and amounts to cartelization of the political process by the Democratic and Republican parties. Party officials said that Gov. Kathleen Hochul and New York legislators should move quickly to restore ballot-access requirements to what they were prior to 2020’s draconian changes by disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and then work to make New York’s election laws a “gold standard” for the nation.
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