Vote Green Party on Tuesday, November 6th
Vote Green Party on Tuesday, November 6th
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Chris Hedges Endorses Howie Hawkins
Chris Hedges endorses Howie Hawkins and discusses the importance of supporting the Green Party as an alternative to the corporate Democrats and Republicans
League of Women Voters Gubernatorial Debate 2018
Watch it again: League of Women Voters Gubernatorial Debate
Open Letter to NYC-DSA
To the Members of the NYC-DSA,
We in the Green Party are happy to see that you are taking up the question of endorsing our candidates Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee for the 2018 New York gubernatorial race.
We share with you the common goal of building an independent working class political force in the United States, even if we have chosen different strategies. We are pleased to see your continued commitment to that goal as expressed in your statement of September 28th, 2018 stating "we reject the illusion that the Democratic Party is, or will become, an institution serving the interests of the U.S. working class."
We also appreciate your clarification of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's statement endorsing Andrew Cuomo. The Democratic Party is a bourgeois party, and Andrew Cuomo is a bourgeois candidate. Endorsing him asks working class voters to tie themselves to big capital's representative in Albany, and the head of a thuggish machine politics connected to graft and corruption.
We urge you to support Howie Hawkins. Hawkins is a longtime socialist and Teamster, endorsed by the Socialist Party and many independent socialists are active in the campaign alongside unions like the Buffalo Teachers Federation, and has committed radical union activist and DSA member Jia Lee as his running mate. His 2014 race had the best vote total for an independent left campaign in New York in nearly a century, and it helped push Cuomo to ban fracking. Hawkins has long made worker-control and democratic control of the economy a centerpiece of his campaigns, and was willing to openly proclaim himself a socialist long before its recent popularity.
Read moreGreen Party Mourns the Passing of David McReynolds
New York - The Green Party of New York State today mourned the passing of David McReynolds at the age of 88, long-time anti-war activist, editor of the journal Liberation, Socialist Party USA presidential candidate in 1980 and 2000, and former Green candidate for US Senate in 2004. He was a longtime member of the War Resisters League, and helped organize one of the earliest draft-card burning protests against the Vietnam War. Party officials said McReynolds was an inspiring and dedicated advocate for peace and socialism, and that he would be greatly missed.
“I was deeply saddened to hear about David’s death. Long an admirer of David’s work, I was privileged to coordinate his U.S. Senate campaign for the Green Party in 2004. His unwavering commitment to peace and social justice was a foundation of the anti-war movement and an inspiration to us all. I remember fondly not only the rich political conversations and sometimes disagreements but also the wonderful stories of his time in the movement and of course sharing photos and the antics of our cats over the years. He was a mentor, comrade and friend. His gentleness, intellect, humor and dedication to peace will be missed by us all,” stated Gloria Mattera, party co-chair.
Gloria Mattera, [email protected]
Peter LaVenia, [email protected]
Green Party Nominates Howie Hawkins for Governor and Jia Lee for Lt. Governor, Mark Dunlea for Comptroller, Michael H. Sussman for Attorney General
At its state convention in a Rensselaer church on Saturday, the Green Party designated Howie Hawkins for Governor and Jia Lee for Lieutenant Governor.
For Hawkins, a retired Teamster from Syracuse, it will be his third consecutive run for Governor. Hawkins finished third with 5% of the vote in 2014. Hawkins has been an organizer in progressive movements since the late 1960s and was co-founder of the Green Party in the U.S.
Lee is a public school teacher and parent in New York City. She is a leader in the Opt Out movement against high-stakes testing. A UFT chapter leader, she is active in the Movement of Rank and File Educators, which ran her for UFT president in 2016 where she came in second with nearly 11,000 votes.
The Green ticket will campaign for longstanding Green demands for single-payer health care, 100% clean energy by 2030, fully-funded public schools, legalization of marijuana, and public campaign finance.
Read moreWhy I Will Risk Arrest on My Birthday
By GPNY Co-Chair Gloria Mattera
On April 23rd I will turn 61. But that is not the big news. The news of the day is that I will be one of scores of New Yorkers who will come together in Albany from all over the state to demand that Governor Cuomo Walk the Talk and end all fossil fuel infrastructure projects.
I always loved having a birthday around Earth Day because I have been an environmental and social justice activist. But there has not been much to celebrate when it comes to the state of our planet and the danger to all the species who live on it. Nationally, this country is slipping back from even the minimal commitments made by previous administrations. In New York, where the Governor likes to proclaim himself a leader on addressing climate change. we lag far behind other states in real action to reduce carbon emissions. All talk and very little meaningful action.
Read moreGPNY Says "WAKE UP" to Percoco Corruption Verdict: Demand Real Ethics Reform
NEW YORK, 03/14/2018–GPNY leaders today said that the verdict in the Percoco trial showed the need for strong ethics reform in New York State government. The party leadership also pointed out that between the Percoco and Buffalo Billion trials, Gov. Cuomo’s administration has the potential to be the most openly corrupt in recent memory.
Read moreGreen Candidate Elms Runs Unopposed for South Glens Falls Village Board
South Glens Falls, NY — The Green Party's Christine Elms is the only candidate ready to serve the community of South Glens Falls' on their Village Board.
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