Obama's tax package blows up the deficit, undermines Social Security
Obama's compromise tax package will blow up the deficit, undermine
Read moreGreen Party urges rejection of proposal by Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Commission to scale back Social Security and Medicare
Green Party leaders called on Congress and the American people to reject a proposal by President Obama's Commission on Fiscal
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Green Party results on Election Day: ballot status in Massachusetts, New York, and Texas
The Green Party regained ballot status in three states on Election Day 2010 and Green Mayor Gayle McLaughlin was reelected
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Greens: President Obama must press Israel to end East Jerusalem settlements
WASHINGTON, DC -- President Obama must put pressure on Israel immediately to stop the construction of settlements and displacement of
Read moreGreens in 'US Out of Afghanistan and Iraq Now' March
March 20 is the 7th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party candidates, leaders, and other
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