America needs the Green Party's solutions to energy and global warming crises, not the Obama or McCain plans, say Greens
Green candidates and leaders called Barack Obama's and John McCain's positions on energy policy, gas prices, and global warming a
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Michigan Greens Nominate a Total of 32 Candidates for 2008
The final tally is in, and the Green Party of Michigan (GPMI) has nominated a total of 32 candidates for
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Greens launch effort against Electoral College manipulation of presidential elections
Green Party leaders said today that the outcome of the 2008 presidential election may be affected by the antidemocratic apportionment
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Michigan Greens Nominate Rev. Pinkney at State Convention
The Green Party of Michigan (GPMI) evoked the memory of Eugene V. Debs by nominating jailed Benton Harbor community activist
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Greens warn that antiwar Americans will waste their votes if they vote for Obama, citing his positions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East
Green Party leaders said today that antiwar voters will not get an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
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Greens urge quick action on Ohio, Pennsylvania election crimes, seek assurance of 2008 ballot access fairness and election integrity
Green Party leaders urged swift and aggressive court action to ensure fair elections and enforcement of legal campaign practices in
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Greens, after the nomination of the McKinney-Clemente ticket at the Chicago convention, begin aggressive ballot access effort
Green leaders, after the party's successful national convention last weekend in Chicago, have turned their attention towards placing nominees Cynthia
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Green Party mourns loss of Dona Spring, Berkeley City Council member since 1992; she's called an ‘inspiration' as longest serving Green in office
Greens statewide and across the nation are mourning the loss of Berkeley City Councilwoman Dona Spring – she was the
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Cynthia McKinney Wins Green Party Presidential Nomination
Cynthia McKinney won the Green Party of the United States presidential nomination at the July 12 GP-US Convention
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News and highlights from the Green Party's 2008 National Convention in Chicago
he Green Party of the United States opened its 2008 national convention at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago
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