Green Party officials said Gov. Cuomo had proposed an austerity budget and that his refusal to adopt truly progressive policies meant working class New Yorkers would continue to suffer. Green officers said now was the time for single-payer, universal health care (New York Health Act) to be passed as it would cover all New Yorkers besides reducing state and local budget expenses, and help permanently close the Medicaid budget gap.
Party officials also stated that New York should enact further progressive tax brackets on the wealthy, raise corporate taxes, and stop rebating the stock transfer tax in order to close the budget gap and ensure surpluses in the future. Finally, the party said Gov. Cuomo's climate plan did not go nearly far enough, and said the budget should empower DEC, NYPA, and NYSERDA to set up renewable public power, rather than siting renewables before turning sites over to private industry.
"We should solve the $6 billion state budget deficit and fund critical unmet needs with a robust tax on the wealthy. Let’s also stop rebating the stock transfer tax, which could close the budget gap on its own. There was a bill to do just that introduced by Assembly Member Phil Steck last session that should be revived and passed this session,” said party co-chair Peter LaVenia.
"Consumers and taxpayers in New York and the United States pay much more for health care than other industrial nations while the quality of care individuals receive rank among the worst for such countries. Creating yet another task force to cut Medicaid spending primarily threatens the quality of care for poor and elderly New Yorkers. It is long past time for Cuomo to propose single payer health care as part of the state budget to provide a long term solution for quality health care at a lower price. Passing the New York Health Act would remove health insurance costs from state and local governments, both for Medicaid and public employees, freeing up revenue and the possibility of lower property taxes,” said Gloria Mattera, party co-chair.
"Andrew Cuomo wants to speed up the process of siting renewables. We approve, but why not create renewable public power instead of turning over the sites to private corporations once the siting is done? There's no reason public resources need to be spent so private corporations can reap the rewards. Let's build a cooperative, greener future," concluded Mattera.
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