Global Climate Strikes and People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine

Raise The Green Party's Demands During the Sept 20-27 Week of Global Climate Strikes:

  1. Ban on All New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
  2. Eco-Socialist Green New Deal to Reach 100% Clean Energy by 2030 and Transform Our Society
  3. Dismantle the U.S. War Machine That Mis-allocates Resources Toward the Destruction of People and Planet

Young people, adults and environmental organizations are mobilizing in anticipation of the UN Climate Summit in New York City. A week of climate strikes and walkouts, inspired by the arrival of Greta Thunberg, have been called for September 20th with more events through the 27th.

Greens are needed to lift up our essential demands on two key dates:

  • September 20, 2019 at 6:00pm – September 27, 2019
  • Throughout New York

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  • Michael ONeil
    published this page in events 2019-08-25 14:03:11 -0400