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We are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it’s controlled by the 1%, it’s part of the problem. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Don’t stay home on election day. Vote Green.


Everything we do is based on our four pillars:

Our country's long wars and worldwide military presence are immoral and unsustainable. Our military budget must be cut dramatically.

The human cost of climate change is too high. We need to get off fossil fuels and on to clean renewable energy.

Falling wages and rising bills are hitting most of us, and the most vulnerable are hit the hardest. We believe in a living wage and a real safety net.

We demand public financing of elections, open debates, and more representative voting systems.

...and see more from our ten key values

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  • Featured post

    Green Party Says Gov Hochul's Proposed Budget Falls Short

    1/18/22 - Green Party leaders today said that Gov. Hochul’s proposed $216.3 billion FY 2022-23 executive budget falls far short of what is needed. The Greens stated that Hochul continued the failed budget priorities of ex-Gov. Cuomo, and that her proposed budget would enrich the 1% and campaign donors rather than working class New Yorkers. 
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    Green Party Says Democrats’ Efforts to Expand Voting Reform Needs to Include Third Parties

    12/2/21 - Green Party leaders today called on the Legislature and Gov. Hochul to enact a “Gold Standard” ballot access bill that would expand voter choice in New York State.
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    Green and Libertarian Parties Open Letter to Governor Kathy Hochul

    In an open letter to Governor Kathy Hochul, the co-chairs of the Green and Libertarian Parties of New York ask her to overturn undemocratic ballot access laws put in place by her predecessor and to restore democracy in New York State. Link to PDF.  
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    Green Party Calls on the Legislature to Impeach and Remove Cuomo in Light of AG James’ Report

    8/3/21 - Green Party officers demanded that Speaker Carl Heastie move immediately to impeach Gov. Cuomo and Leader Stewart-Cousins to remove him from office in light of the shocking findings contained within Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation. They stated Cuomo’s violation of state and federal laws indicate that he and his administration are deeply corrupt, and that he cannot credibly lead the state. Party leaders concluded that Cuomo’s refusal to resign indicates that, like a rotten autocrat, he will never leave without being forced to do so.
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    Green Party Celebrates MRTA’s Historic Passage While Calling for True Legalization

    3/31/21 - Green Party officers celebrated the passage of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) as the culmination of a decades-long struggle by activists and communities to allow for legal sales of cannabis and to begin the process of rebuilding spaces ravaged by the failed Drug War. Party leaders said the organization had always proudly been on the front lines of the struggle for marijuana legalization. Party spokespeople also said they hoped the flaws of MRTA would be addressed soon, and that New York would follow Oregon’s lead and decriminalize all drugs.
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    Green Party Calls for Cuomo’s Resignation and Legislature Investigation

    3/5/21 - Green Party officers today called for the resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo and reiterated their Feb. 12 demand for his investigation and impeachment by the Legislature after the latest revelations in the nursing home and sexual harassment scandals. Party officers stated the news high-level Cuomo staffers rewrote a report to hide the true extent of nursing home deaths and the ignoring of Gov. Cuomo’s own executive order on referring sexual harassment allegations to the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) in the case of Charlotte Bennett are examples of ongoing abuse of power by Gov. Cuomo and should be investigated as such by the Legislature. They said Gov. Cuomo’s actions were a breach of public trust and should result in his immediate resignation.
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    Democrats Need to Stop Blocking Marijuana Legalization

    2/23/21 - The Green Party of New York said today it was time for the Democrats to finally deliver on their call to legalize marijuana, a position the Greens have advocated for decades.
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    Green Party Urges Cuomo to Embrace a Progressive Agenda in his State of the State

    1/8/21 - The Green Party of New York called on Governor Cuomo today to embrace a progressive agenda for 2021, including a Taxing the Rich to fund a Green New Deal COVID relief package, enactment of single payer health care, and passage of long-delayed marijuana legalization including reinvestment in impacted communities. 
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    Green Party Calls for a Strong Green Vote To Build The Left

    New York - Green Party officers today said they were working hard to save the party’s ballot line, and that voting for Joe Biden on any line in New York State dilutes the progressive power needed to push Democrats to the left. They stated that a strong Green Party vote and continued ballot access would say New Yorkers expect the Federal government to prioritize workers, students, and seniors, not the corporate elite. They noted the new law that requires parties to receive 130,000 votes or 2% of the presidential vote (whichever is higher) combined with the 32 point lead Biden commands in New York make the choice of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker easy and imperative. 
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    Green Party and Libertarian Party File Joint Lawsuit Fighting Ballot Access Restrictions

    Albany, New York, July 27, 2020 – The Green Party of New York (GPNY) and the Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) filed a Federal lawsuit today in the Southern District of New York to invalidate restrictive ballot access provisions passed as a rider to the FY2021 State Budget.
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